Global Expansion: How SaaS Businesses are Disrupting New Markets

Phase One Ventures explains how SaaS Businesses are Disrupting New Markets globally

In this article, we explore the history and future of SaaS businesses in order to see where the industry has been and where it is heading. We dive into why it is revolutionizing the world of business. This will provide a well-rounded perspective regarding the foundation of SaaS and the role that innovation plays in its evolvement.

Before we explore how SaaS is changing the world of business, let's start by recapping where it came from. Keep reading to become an expert in SaaS and predict where it's heading next!

The History of SaaS Business


The concept of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) traces back to the 1960s when IBM and other mainframe providers pioneered a time-sharing model. This model allowed multiple users to access a single computer system's resources, laying foundational principles for today’s cloud-based solutions.


During the 1970s and '80s, the time-sharing model lost momentum as personal computers became more prevalent. The emphasis was on providing individuals with standalone software, pushing aside the idea of shared resources. However, this new idea also faded due to the innovative change in the late '80s and early '90s with the rise of the internet and the World Wide Web.

Phase One Ventures lays out a timeline of the history of SaaS since the 1960s


The dot-com boom of the 1990s ushered in a new era of software delivery. Companies like Salesforce emerged, avoiding traditional software delivery for a completely online model of software provider. Salesforce's launch in 1999, offering its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform through the web marked a significant turning point for SaaS. You could say this was the beginning of SaaS business that we are familiar with today. Salesforce is still one of the top SaaS companies today.


Post-2000, SaaS gained traction. Internet speeds improved and businesses recognized the advantages of SaaS, including cost savings, scalability, and the flexibility to access software from anywhere. This period also saw a shift from Application Service Providers (ASPs), an early precursor to SaaS requiring manual setups, to more automated, user-friendly SaaS solutions.


Recent years have further solidified SaaS’s dominance. From startups to massive corporations, SaaS applications like Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace, and countless others have become widespread. The COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated its adoption, with many businesses worldwide relying on SaaS tools for remote work and collaboration.

Present Day SaaS

Today, SaaS is not just a software delivery model but a driving force behind business, technology, and innovation in an increasingly digital world.

Fast forward to 2023, there are 30,000 SaaS businesses that exist globally.

SaaS is the new norm as 80% of companies reportedly use at least one SaaS application and total company software use is 70%. What took decades to get rolling and invent is now the commonly practiced and expected way of conducting business. Note that it is not just companies who have adopted SaaS but also the public and individuals who use it on a daily basis.

SaaS has grown to involve so much more than just CRMs. Continue reading to learn about the future of SaaS and its implications on business.

Present day statistics on SaaS

What does the current state of SaaS look like?

The SaaS landscape has vastly expanded. With more and more people using cloud services, SaaS applications now cater to almost every conceivable business function from accounting and project management to AI-driven analytics and human resource management.

A surge in remote work, especially post-pandemic, has seen organizations lean heavily on SaaS tools to maintain productivity, content management, customer relationships, and communication. The industry has also been characterized by frequent mergers and acquisitions, rising startups, and the consolidation of the market around AI and tech companies.

To read about the benefits of SaaS from the perspective of a business owner, read this blog "From One Business Owner to Another: The Benefits of SaaS".

How has SaaS transformed?

From its initial focus on providing cost-effective software solutions, SaaS has transformed to offer more than just software but holistic solutions. Programs offering advanced integration mean that SaaS tools often seamlessly connect with each other offering a continuous and efficient user-experience.

Additionally, SaaS products have become more customizable and scalable, allowing businesses to adjust functionalities based on their unique needs. Enhanced security protocols, driven by rising cyber threats, have also become a hallmark of modern SaaS.

What does SaaS offer now?

Today, SaaS offers flexibility, scalability, and integrations.

SaaS offers flexibility, scalability, and integrations.

Apart from providing software on a subscription basis, modern SaaS platforms often incorporate artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced data analytics. These tools give businesses actionable insights and foresight taking analytics a step further. They also offer multi-device compatibility, ensuring users can access services anytime, anywhere.

The integration of API-driven third-party applications has further enriched the functionality of SaaS platforms. The commitment to cybersecurity, compliance, and regular feature updates ensures that businesses remain technologically updated and secure.

Want to continue exploring the depths of SaaS? Check out this blog "Phase One Ventures Reveals How SaaS Platforms are Built" where our developers pull back the curtain on how we build 7 and 8 figure SaaS companies from the inside out.

How has SaaS been able to globally expand?

Now that we have covered the history, evolution, and capability of SaaS, we discuss how SaaS grew to global expansion and adoption.

First, SaaS (Software as a Service) has experienced global expansion primarily due to the rise of strong and reliable cloud service providers such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. These platforms have enabled SaaS providers to deliver services reliably to customers everywhere, ensuring both accessibility and consistent performance regardless of a user's location. If users have access to a device and the Internet, they can utilize SaaS from anywhere.

Second, the SaaS business model is cost-effective, eliminating the need for businesses to invest heavily in on-premises hardware or software. The subscription model allows for predictable budgeting making cost-saving easier. This advantage is attractive to businesses in both developed and emerging markets. SaaS applications can be deployed quickly and scaled with ease. Automatic updates ensure that all users, regardless of their geographical location, benefit from the latest features and security patches.

SaaS is globally expanding

The global expansion of businesses has prompted a demand for software solutions tailored to a worldwide workforce and customer base. SaaS platforms often rise to the challenge, offering features such as multi-language support and adaptability to regional regulations. SaaS platforms use integrations and API tools to connect with other software enabling developers to construct a tech stack tailored to their needs.

SaaS solutions are indispensable tools for globally distributed teams. Platforms like Slack, Zoom, and Trello enable real-time communication and project management. These companies recognized the opportunities from the pandemic and the increasing shift towards remote work.

The pros of SaaS also lead to concerns over security and privacy. This is why leading SaaS providers often invest more into security than individual companies might. Their precautious security measures and commitment to compliance has gained the trust of the public and enterprises worldwide to adopt SaaS solutions.

Finally, SaaS platforms open doors for network opportunities where increased usage amplifies other business and cloud service provider's value. This can lead to organic and viral growth across countries.

How can you overcome the top barriers to SaaS implementation?

One of the primary barriers to SaaS implementation is resistance to change within an organization. To overcome this, businesses should prioritize clear communication. Before transitioning, the SaaS provider can outline the benefits and long-term value of the new system to existing customers and employees to help them understand the reasons behind the shift. It is equally important to gather feedback, addressing any concerns proactively.

Another major barrier is data security and compliance concerns. Companies often hesitate to move critical data to a third-party system due to potential vulnerabilities. To mitigate this, SaaS providers must emphasize their security features, protocols, end-to-end encryption, and comply with global data protection regulations. Businesses should also conduct regular security audits and seek providers with the latest compliance certifications.

Phase One Ventures lists 3 ways to overcome barriers to implement SaaS

Finally, integration challenges can hinder SaaS adoption. Organizations may already rely on numerous tools and fear that a new SaaS solution might not integrate well with existing systems. The key is to opt for SaaS platforms that offer extensive API support and pre-built integrations with popular enterprise tools. This not only ensures smoother data flow between systems but also preserves the integrity and usability of existing processes.

In summary, by offering open communication, prioritizing security, and ensuring seamless integrations, businesses can effectively navigate and overcome common barriers to SaaS implementation.

The Future of SaaS Businesses

One thing is crystal clear, the advancement in tech will lead to momentum in business. The SaaS market is not slowing down anytime soon. In fact, it is expected to reach $700 billion by 2030. This is an annual growth rate of 18.3% over the next 7 years.

As we consider how it will gain this traction in the future, these are the newest features we think SaaS will include.

SaaS is expected to reach $700 billion by 2030


SaaS will be omnipresent, spreading even deeper into industries and business processes. As its reach expands, you can expect to see more niche and specialized platforms catering to very specific business needs. This includes anything from niche healthcare applications to broad educational tools.

AI and Automation

The integration of AI will become standard. This tech solves problems faster, more efficiently, and cost-effectively through automations.

AI is becoming so advanced and capable of personalization that it will affect everything about business and society from a micro to macro scale. In the future, regulators and the public will inevitably come face to face with the ethical concerns and positive (or negative) repercussions it has on our systems.


The future SaaS landscape will be characterized by enhanced interoperability.

Platforms will be designed to communicate seamlessly with one another. Open APIs and standardized protocols will enable diverse software solutions to integrate effortlessly, creating unified, cross-functional systems.

6 things that SaaS will offer in the future.

Enhanced Security

With the increasing complexity and frequency of cyber threats, SaaS providers will amplify their focus on security. Advanced encryption, biometric verifications, and decentralized data storage, like blockchain, will be leveraged to protect user data and maintain integrity of customer data.

Edge Computing

The rise of edge computing will influence SaaS software development too. By processing data closer to where it's generated (like IoT devices), SaaS applications will offer faster, more responsive services which is especially critical for real-time applications.

Subscription Flexibility

The subscription business model will become even more flexible, with dynamic pricing structures catering to different business sizes and customer retention needs. Pay-as-you-go or consumption-based pricing might emerge as popular alternatives to the fixed monthly fee model.


Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is testimony of the transformative power of technology and innovation in the world of business. Its journey from the 1960s time-sharing models to today's all-encompassing cloud-based solutions proves adaptability and a relentless pursuit of addressing evolving business needs.

As SaaS platforms expanded, they became synonymous with cost-efficiency, scalability, and convenience. They have democratized access to top-tier software solutions, regardless of an entity's size or geographic location.

The global reach of SaaS is an impressive proof to its inherent advantages. By leveraging robust cloud infrastructures, offering tailored solutions for diverse markets, and fostering real-time collaboration, SaaS has made outstanding marks on businesses across continents. Moreover, the ability of SaaS solutions to integrate with an abundance of web development tools, cater to mobile users, and prioritize top-tier security have furthered its adoption on a global scale.

Looking forward, the SaaS industry's trajectory indicates even more specialized solutions, rich in AI capabilities, and providing seamless interoperability. As businesses brace for future challenges, the SaaS landscape is primed to offer solutions, ensuring that organizations remain agile, informed, and ahead of the curve. The coming decades promise exciting evolutions, and the SaaS domain is poised to lead that transformative charge.

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